CCEDC - Chatham County Economic Development Corporation
CCEDC stands for Chatham County Economic Development Corporation
Here you will find, what does CCEDC stand for in Government under Organization category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate Chatham County Economic Development Corporation? Chatham County Economic Development Corporation can be abbreviated as CCEDC What does CCEDC stand for? CCEDC stands for Chatham County Economic Development Corporation. What does Chatham County Economic Development Corporation mean?Chatham County Economic Development Corporation is an expansion of CCEDC
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Alternative definitions of CCEDC
- Cornell Cooperative Extension Dutchess County
- Chester County Economic Development Council
- Copperas Cove Economic Development Corporation
- Carteret County Economic Development Council
- Champaign County Economic Development Corporation
View 6 other definitions of CCEDC on the main acronym page
Nearby abbreviations with meaning
- CNC Cree Nation of Chisasibi
- CAM Can Am Mobility
- CCC Cupertino Chamber of Commerce
- CSI Congruent Solution Inc.
- CESO Civil Engineer Support Office
- CFB Concept Food Brokers
- CHS Cambridge Historical Society
- CMS Columbus Middle School
- CSG The Cost Segregation Group
- CPW Commander Packaging West
- CMO City Mayors Office
- CCSA Corporate Corp S.A.
- CEHS Clean Earth Housecleaning Services
- CWM Calder Wealth Management
- CAG Capitol Airspace Group
- CRSL Change Recruitment Services Ltd
- CCCC Clay County Chamber of Commerce
- CTC Career Transition Center
- CSSL Connelly Security Systems Ltd
- CPHB Crowne Plaza Hotel Burlingame